Phylogeny of Modern Birds


Plunge-diving marine birds of tropical and subtropical waters, tropicbirds recall terns (family Laridae) in body shape but have stronger flight. They are distinctive from their long central tail streamers and brightly colored bill.


Additional information 

Flight is strong, with rapid, stiff wingbeats. The birds plunge-dive from heights up to 25m, to seize prey at or just below the water's surface. They also float on the water with their tail arched. Courtship includes synchronized tandem flights, one bird sometimes 'back-pedaling' around the other.

The birds nest in loose colonies. They lay a single egg in a scrape on the ground (often shaded by a shrub), a cliff ledge, or a hollow or fork in a tree.



There are only three species, all belonging to genus Phaethon.

  • P. aethereus (Red-Billed Tropicbird)
  • P. rubricauda (Red-tailed Tropicbird)
  • P. lepturus (White-tailed Tropicbird)

The exact position of this family is still uncertain.